Kristi Bordelon Consulting

Curriculum Development

You opened a school because you are a subject matter expert. Let us help you turn your knowledge into effective and engaging  curriculum.

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Complying to state licensing, federal regulations, and accreditation standards can be  daunting and time consuming.

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Professional  Development

  • Teaching Strategies
  • Common Core Standards
  • Educational Leadership 
  • Educational Technology

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Accreditation is a process. Kristi Bordelon Consulting can help you through each step of the process.

Each accreditation agency requires an institution to follow a similar process:

  • File an application
  • Create and submit a Self Evaluation Report
  • Undergo at least one site visit

The application is a short report where the institution provides documentation to the accrediting body demonstrating that it is a bona fide institution as defined by that accrediting body.

Once the application has been accepted, the institution creates a self study, or self evaluation, report. This report describes:

  • The uniqueness of the institution
  • Why the institution does what it does
  • How the institution does what it does
  • How institutional processes and procedures comply with the accreditation standards

If the self-study is deemed acceptable, a site visit is scheduled. During the site visit, a team visits your institution to interview administration, staff, and faculty. The purpose of the site visit is to determine how the institution has implemented the processes described in the self-study report.

While the process may seem straight forward, it can be daunting. Institutions must complete the accreditation process while performing da-to-day operations. Key personnel must focus on daily tasks while reviewing processes and ensuring the processes comply with the accreditation standards. That is where Kristi Bordelon Consulting comes in. We can help from the application process to the site visit to the compliance documentation required once your institution becomes accredited.

Once you decide to apply for accreditation, we can assist with the application process; reviewing the documentation to help ensure the application is accepted. During the self-study, we can help with training personnel on the purpose and procedure of the accreditation process as well as accreditation standards. As your personnel create the report, we can review the materials as an evaluator would, then provide a detailed report to you with suggestions for improvement.

The site visit (or visits) is a key component of the accreditation process, as this is how members of your institution get to demonstrate how your institution meets the accreditation standards.   To ensure your administration, faculty, and staff are prepared for the site visit, the Kristi Bordelon Consulting team can conduct a mock site visit complete with a site visit report detailing the findings.

After your institution earns accreditation, the process continues. Each year you will file reports detailing continued compliance with standards, institutional growth, graduation rates, etc. For smaller institutions, these reports can be overwhelming. Kristi Bordelon Consulting can serve as your compliance department filing these reports for you.