Kristi Bordelon Consulting

Curriculum Development

You opened a school because you are a subject matter expert. Let us help you turn your knowledge into effective and engaging  curriculum.

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Complying to state licensing, federal regulations, and accreditation standards can be  daunting and time consuming.

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Professional  Development

  • Teaching Strategies
  • Common Core Standards
  • Educational Leadership 
  • Educational Technology

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State Authorization and Licensing


Starting a school is a bit different than starting a business. Most states require you to obtain a special license to become authorized operate a school. Applying for a school license can be daunting for non-educators (and sometimes even educators) as the application will focus on program objectives, learning outcomes, and validation of curriculum. Our team can help you successfully complete your application for licensure so you can get your school up and running. 


State authorization doesn't just mean being authorized to operate in the state where you are located. If you are marketing to potential students in other states, offering courses online, enrolling to students who live in other states, or have employees living in other states, you may be required to become licensed in states other than where you are located.  Let Kristi Bordelon Consulting help you navigate and complete authorization requirements so you can focus on teaching your students.